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Hi, I’m Meg Boone

I'm a Texas A&M student studying Journalism from Dallas, Texas.


Personal Statement 

Writing, public speaking, dialogue, reading, listening, learning, talking, interviewing: Simply put, I enjoy communicating in any form. I thrive in storytelling and I always have. Whether it was writing stories for my elementary school classes, winning writing competitions in middle school, competing in speech competitions in high school, or now in college pursuing a career in Journalism. I have always loved the world of communication. I have limited experience but I am eager to learn. I have been able to conduct copious interviews, research contemporary issues, and complete writing intensives that have progressed my writing and interviewing skills. I am looking for internships that are able to make me more knowledgeable in the journalism field and give me real-world experience.



Texas A&M Univeristy 


Branch in a Glass Jar




Creative Concept

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